| In exercise of the powers under Section 16 of the Uttar Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund Act, 1974 (U.P. Act No.6 of 1974), the Governor is pleased to make the following rules. |
1 | Short title and commencement |
| (1) These rules may be called the Uttar Pradesh Advocates Social Security Fund Scheme Rules, 1989.
(2) They shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the Gazette. |
2 | Definition |
| ln these rules unlcss the context otherwise requires:- |
| (a)'Act' means the Uttar Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund Act, 1974; |
| (b) 'Bar Association' means the Bar Association affiliated to the State Bar Council; |
| (c) 'Form'means a form appended to these Rules ; |
| (d) 'Member-Secretary' means the 'Member-secretary' of the Trustees Committee ; |
| (e) 'Office' means the office of the Trustees Committee : |
| (1) 'Scheme' means Advocates Social Security Fund Scheme. |
3 | Office building and furniture etc. |
| (1) There shall be an established of Trustees Committee having its headquarter at Lucknow. |
| (2) The Trustee Committee shall provide office building, furniture, office equipments, stationary and the like things and materials as may be necessary for functioning of the office. |
4 | Minutes of proceedings |
| The minutes of the proceedings of every meeting , of Trustees Committee shall be prepared and entered in a book to be kept for that purpose immediately after the closure of the meeting and shall be signed by the Member Secretary or any officer authorised in this regard by the Trustees Committee. |
5 | Application for membership |
| (1) Every application under Section 11 of the Act for admission, as a member of the scheme shall be type on full scape size water- . mark on stout paper m Form No. 1 and .Shall be signed by the applicant and attested by the President or Secretary of the Bar Association of which he is a member. |
| (2) An Advocate having membership of more than one Bar Association shall be eligible to apply to be admitted as a member of the scheme only from one of such Associations. |
| (3) An Advocate applying for membership of the scheme shall pay an admission fee at the rates specified in sub-section (2) of Section 11 of the Act in lump sum with the application. |
| (4) Payment of the admission fee shall be made to the office by means ofcrossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Uttar Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund trustees Committee.at Lucknow on the State Bank of India. |
| (5) On admission of members to the Scheme the Trustees Committee shall issue a certificate in Form No.II. |
| (6) The Trustees Committee shall prepare and maintain a Register of members of the Scheme in Form No. III. |
| (7) Any decision of the Trustees Committee rejecting an application for admission as member to the Scheme shall be communicated to the applicant by post. |
| (8) A member shall pay to the office annual subscription for every calendar year as per the rates specified in sub section (5) of Section 11 of the Act by means of crossed Demand Draft at Lucknow on the State Bank of India on before the thirty -first day of December of that year. |
6 | Re-admission to the Scheme |
| (1) Application for re-admission as a member of the Scheme shall be typed on a full scape size water-mark or a stout paper in Form No. IV. |
| (2) If any payments are to be made under sub-section (2) of Section 12 of the Act the same shall be made by means of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Uttar Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund Trustees Committee at Lucknow on the State Bank of India. |
7 | Procedure for payment out of the Fund |
| (1) The Trustees Committee may receive application for payment out of the Fund from a member or his legal representatives, as the case may be, in Form No. V. |
| (2) All amounts payable under Section 13 shall be made by account-payee cheques signed by the member-Secretary. |
| (3) Every application for payment out of the Fund shall, as far as possible be disposed of within sixty days from the date of its receipt in the office. |
| (4) All decisions of the Trustees Committee rejecting an application for payment out of the Fund shall be communicated to the applicant by post. |
8 | Information to the Courts |
| The Trustees Committee shall, as soon as the first list of members of the Scheme is prepaid, send copies thereof to all the Courts, Tribunals, authorities an persons before whom vakalatnama may be filed and there after, as soon as any additions are made to the said list. send by post extracts of such additions to all the aforesaid Courts, Tribunals, authorities and persons. |
9 | Annual statement from Bar Council |
| (1) Trustees Committee may ask the State Bar Council to submit annual statement with regard to the enrolment of advocates cessation if by reason of death, removal or suspension of certificate, and such other information as may be deemed necessary. |
| (2) The State Bar Council shall pay the amount as required under Section 8 of the Act to the office by means of crossed demand draft drawn in favour of the Uttar Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund Trustees Committee at Lucknow on the State Bank of India. |
10 | Inquiry |
| (1) On receipt of applications for payment out of the Fund under Section 13 of the Act, the office shall arrange the applications in the order of receipt and examine the same in accordance with such order. |
| (2) The Trustees Committee may make such inquiry regarding the correctness or other wise of the particulars made in the application from the State Bar Council or/ and from the Bar Association concerned and District or Sub-Division Officers or from such other agency as may be found necessary. |
| (3) The Trustees Committee may, after such inquiry as may, in its opinion, be necessary and after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity of being heard, reject the application. |
| (4) The Trustees Committee shall have the power to regulate its own procedure in all matters arising out of the discharge of functions; including the place or places at which may hold its sittings. |